Friday, December 5, 2008

38. What the heck is a hack then..?

Hacking is done to expose a security hole in a system. Hacking is done to expose the
holes in the armor so that system designers can patch it in their next release.

Hacking if done with a malicious mind, then its cracking! Crackers are basically hackers with a malicious mind. They exploit the security holes to gain unauthorized access to a system. They often steal data like the credit card information from the victim’s computer and read their mails. Some crackers go beyond and often engage in
destructive actions like creating viruses and worms. So the next time when you say
hacker/cracker, understand what they are. Hackers don’t like being greeted as
crackers for the same reason that hackers are friendly and nice people.

I’m giving you two examples below to understand how hacking differs from